Donate Now!!
Your donations are Essential to funding all our projects and charitable priorities and projects!! 100% of funds raised go to the priorities and projects. The Stittsville District Lions clubs uses bar tips and other sources of income to fund it's operational costs. Every donation, big and small, enables your Lions Club to serve Stittsville and district to make our communities a better place to live!
Donations can be made by:
Canada Helps link is https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/stittsville-district-lions-club-charitable-foundation/ , receipt will be automatically emailed. The default option is for this year’s annual fundraiser.
E-transfer to fundraising.stittsvillelions@gmail.com, and request a receipt if one is needed. Password to use is: "donation".
mail a Cheque to the Stittsville District Lions Club, and request a receipt if one is needed. The address is:
4 - 1339 Stittsville Main St
Stittsville, ON
K2S 1C6
Receipts will be mailed automatically for donations of $50. or more - please provide your return address.
call Lion Graham Amey at 613-558-5485, if you require a Lions member to pick up your donation.